Originally Posted by Spike
Awesome man!
Question now though, what is the other part of the hop kit tool for? The triangle thinger?
The shelf? It's basically in case you need to rework the R-hop patch channel in any way. It also makes it easier to hold if you're doing some sanding. I glued some sandpaper to the inside surface to hold patches better but for the most part I haven't really needed to use it.
Originally Posted by Chiba
Been doing that. I can still never get the outside of the r-hop to sand down flush with the barrel entirely no matter how much I sand (of course not below the outside of inner barrel). This causes the r-hop to push down sometimes.
Also I find my R-hop isn't consistently applying spin.. sometimes I have to shoot a few BBs (it would shoot like under hopped) before it is giving me a nominal trajectory.
Anyone have an idea why? Let me know if you need specs.
Like I said in the video, your first install isn't going to be amazing, but if you're lifting .25g+ then a LITTLE bit of protrusion/intrusion isn't going to break the deal.
What hop nub are you using?
Also, are you testing out with a completely full mag? I ask because sometimes your tappet plate spring isn't strong enough and upward pressure of BBs pushes the nozzle out of alignment. If so, test again with a half-loaded mag.