Originally Posted by Danke
The hand to hand and hands on stuff has come up before and it has always ended badly.
I would say walk before you run and do not incorporate that till the program is well established.
This is good advise but it will always depend on the group.
I took martial arts for years when i was a lil younger and have no issues with being grabbed held choked hair pulled ect.. Of course not struck with full force or choked full force for training reasons but being grabbed by a wrist full force is fine. Just dont be supprised if your trying to restrain me and i evade and escape most if not all of your holds and grabs.
I think for those types of things one would have to spend time learning both how to grab and how to escape said grabs for everyones comfort once it becomes part of a scenario. Most of the basic holds and escapes from them can be covered in an hour or so snd can be practiced at home (good stuff for the wife/gf and kidz to know in this day and age).
As always when being grabbed and restrained in ways that can cause discomfort (ie pressure poins and joint locks) there should always be a "safe word" kne can say to have the hold released immidiately to avoid injury and such. But that said with most holds and restraining techniques if one complies and does as they are told (ie doesnt fight back and or try to escape the hold) discomfort is minimal and chance for injury is almost non existant this is why police snd security guards use those methods tbey controll people with out injury if the comply. Noncompliance and or stugeling csuee discomfort and pain forcing you to comply in order to release the pressures on joints and pressure points.
Most of the techniques are tought (both aplication and escape) at baisic self defence courses all around the world to kids as young as 6 and people in their 60's and older.