Thread: Favorite Vest?
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Old March 30th, 2013, 16:49   #25
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: vancouver
For chest rigs the TT mav is probably the best bang for the buck. Well made , not complicated and readily available.
Im kind of partial to my Patriot Performance Materials Patroller Chest rig(previously Tactical Assault Systems) , its similar to a 2 piece mav with an extra row of pals and velcro on the top of the rig for name tape/flags. It comes in slightly cheaper aswell but alot harder to find.

Plate carriers with mag capacity I would say the HSGI Woo/wee/wasatch's are really good for the price. HSGI build quality is fantastic and the price on these is excellet.
I currently own an Sotech Callahan and although it is very good there are some design features that could have been better.
Plate carriers with no mag capacity , the TT carrier is great , good amount of pals channels and good price. TT's typical build quality aswell.

For Loadbearing belt/harness its kind of tough to recommend one as most of the good ones have been discountinued.
Iam currently using a Voodoo Tactical sniper belt and although the price is great the quality is only ok. Quality is on par with condor I would say.
That being said I used to own a SORD patrol belt order and although the quality was very good you had to use SORD specific pouches to set it up to its full potential.
First Spear (some of eagles designers) have a really good looking setup right now but the price is pretty high for a belt/suspenders setup.
Older pieces that are good (and harder to find) are the Spears ELCS (base rig , is similar to the FLC) , the LBT loadbearing setup (cant remember its name) and the BlackHawk Strike LBE which is similar to the LBT setup.
Lower Mainland Airsoft Group
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