I had thought about that, I think Id almost be willing to try LOL
Looks like I'll be hitting the hobby store for some 16 or 14 G Silicone noodle wire LOL
I wonder if Blackjack wont mind Clear shrink wrap
(picked some Clear 3 inch for rewrapping Large batteries that had the wrapping tore up).
And to answer a previous statement -- The Stoner Will have a Simple mosfet unit - I Just have the assemble said mosfet
A single Light is all one needs to find their way through the darkness, But a single BB is all you need to bring it on!
Im not worried about the Bullet that has my Name on it, Im worried about the bullet that says "to whom it may concern"
Lt. Alexander Washington -(Red Tails 1944) Ret.
Last edited by ScooterVauto; March 24th, 2013 at 22:23..