Well I did a magazine rebuild just for the hell of it, and it was fine, if not a little dirty.
Next I decided to check out the piston, as mentioned above. Two days ago we were sighting our guns in and I decides to bring my USP out because a potential buyer was going to be there. My friend and I noticed that when you racked the slide back, exposing the breach, that the piston stuck into the hop-up. It would ecentually snap back into place, but we thought it was odd. We had a brand new KWA USP Compact there to compare it to, and although not exactly the same, internally they are almost identical.
As I dissasbled the piston, I found no wear, no burs it could get hung up on, no cracks, no dried out seal, everything good. I did notice however that the small set pin that goes through the piston head, I imagine to keep the guide in place, was protruding from its hole. I cleaned and re-lubed the piston, and reassembled it making sure the pin was pushed properly into place. I'm assuming that the pin was getting hung up on the edges of the slide, and stopping the gun from properly cycling. Unfortunately it's too late here to test fire, I'll have to do it tomorrow. I will post my findings.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...