Thread: "NOT A TOY"
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Old August 5th, 2005, 23:36   #85
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Calgary AB
I play airsoft as much as anyone.And yes airsoft is a more realistic form of the game.Most paintballers that try it usely switch over.Most airsofters have played paintball...What ever.I suppose you thinking they the"fuck tards"(What ever)means that every paintballer isn't responsible.Most are.Anyway,I play both for the most part,mostly airsoft.I guess i have a open mind to things.I still think advertising the game is a great way to spread the word our way,not theirs.And we will always have stupid people that will screw shit up.So move past the negative shit and get on with the game.I think alot of airsofters blow the game out of perportion as to how"serious" it is.Ask everyone to use comomon sense and a gun case.If they don't boot them out call the cops on there shotty handling of the weapon and get back to the game.

No need for flaming anyone man.
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