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Old February 22nd, 2013, 18:27   #325
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Location: Centre Mass
Originally Posted by .Zo View Post
I got it out but getting it back in is the tricky part.

I don't have the pin for the slide lock spring (part # 18C-38) but I have contacted tokyo model company about ordering another.

What do you suggest I do in the mean time? Should I just leave it out of the frame or what?
I don't think you can get that part separately.
For such a small piece, it almost seems like a waste of money going overseas for it.

My suggestion is to just look for a pin that will fit that hole. Like a thumb tac or something similar. I use a nail from my local hardware store and just cut it length as a replacement. Works great....

You need that spring to apply pressure to the slide lock to actually prevent the slide from shooting off your gun. So I don't think you have no other option than to source a replacement....
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