Thread: "NOT A TOY"
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 13:43   #81
made Man
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Originally Posted by wolfman01
Word of mouth works but it is a slow way to build.Plus sweaping shit under the carpet is no way to hide from a growing problem.I played paintball for
16years and through positive advertising,even when thease lefties screamed
and marched to town hall to remove us war mongers they finally gave up.It took them 10 years but they gave up(sore lossers).Take airsoft down the same path and people will know it,and not fear it.After all if we expect to play our sport "in the shadows" on some corner of a paintball feild or private setting don't expect people not to look at us as a shady community.Anyhow I won't carry on.
Perhaps they gave up because paintball markers look nothing like real guns (unless you consider some teen tv scifi stuff being real :lol: ).
You dont choose who you love, love chooses you; and that little fucking son of a bitch sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being.

I am worth $2,106,266.00 on

<axel026> i need help please
<^cell^> do you have an appointment?
<axel026> im french
<^cell^> i see... thats a terrible disorder
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