Originally Posted by ShelledPants
I know Cico touched on it... but I want to emphasize this: Do not use the IR laser against other people. It is not rated for eye safety and could easily blind someone, yourself included.
I do not care if you feel it is fine to shine this thing into your mother's eyes. It has no documentation and is a hazard to anyone on the field. Do not use the IR laser.
Do not use the IR laser.
Do not use the IR laser.
Get it?
This is not your eyes, this is other people's eyes. My eyes. Don't fuck with them, please.
I also would like to tack on here:
LDI DBAL-I2 specs:
IR Class:
Class I (eye safe)
IR Output:
IR Beam:
0.3 mrad
IR Laser WL:
835 nm
IR Range:
250 Meters
That is <0.7mW
Yes i understand and i would not like to encourage use of the device if it could lead to injury, i was simply expressing my personal opinion. I do not know where you are retrieving your facts on
the DBAL I2 but on the LDI website it clearly states <5mw laser... I understand your sincerity but next time ShelledPants if you want to express yourself you DO NOT need to portray yourself in such a brash condecending fashion, i am an adult and am here to have a intelligent discussion on the use of this device and am NOT here to have an ego bash with you...
"Green Visible Pointer (<5mW) with IR Pointer* (<5mW)"