Originally Posted by bobotea
Wow... i totally missed the focus ring on the illuminator, fixed it this morning, it is much more usable now! thanks!(i am only using a gen1 nvd  wanting a pvs14 but i am to poor right now). As per the battery life i had a feeling that it would be crappy. For the IR laser i feel that it is eye safe because it has a similar signature to that of a DBAL I2 which has a <5mw eyesafe laser.
PS, i will try and post pictures through my NODS tonight unless Cico would like to as he has GEN3 while i have GEN1 NODS
I know Cico touched on it... but I want to emphasize this: Do not use the IR laser against other people. It is not rated for eye safety and could easily blind someone, yourself included.
I do not care if you feel it is fine to shine this thing into your mother's eyes. It has no documentation and is a hazard to anyone on the field. Do not use the IR laser.
Do not use the IR laser.
Do not use the IR laser.
Get it?
This is not your eyes, this is other people's eyes. My eyes. Don't fuck with them, please.
I also would like to tack on here:
LDI DBAL-I2 specs:
IR Class:
Class I (eye safe)
IR Output:
IR Beam:
0.3 mrad
IR Laser WL:
835 nm
IR Range:
250 Meters
That is <0.7mW

Ár skal r?*sa, sá er annars vill
fé eða fjör hafa. Sjaldan liggjandi úlfur
lær um getur né sofandi maður sigur.