Thread: LMG shopping
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Old November 7th, 2012, 13:48   #12
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Calgary, AB
Being one of the Nightfall game organizers, I can state that the only restriction on guns are; 400 fps or under un-hopped (hopup dialed fully off) on .20g BBs, no high-cap 30 round style mags and no full auto inside buildings. Otherwise if you want to carry it you can use it.

For the record, the Bundeswehr used C-mags with the G36 during ISAF deployments.

A team member has a couple of A&K M249s that he is wishing he had not purchased. The guns have spent more time broken than they have on the field. The price point may be there for the A&K SAW but you truly do get what yo pay for.

I've been running a CA SAW for the latter part of the season and can say that the gun is a beast! I am going to upgrade the spring guide and piston head to bearing units and put in a MOSFET, but otherwise the gun runs very well out of the box. The CA nutsack mag is extremely good. The spring loaded feed assist platform ensures smooth and jam free feeding in addition to being a quiet ammo box and not a rattle prone tactical friend getter like most other box mags. I am able to empty my CA nutsack mag in one trigger pull with no mis-feeds, jams or any dramas what-so-ever. The only thing I don't like about it is its low capacity, but it is dead easy to reload.

Cheers - Dan

PS: I'm glad to hear you plan on attending our June game! We had a blast hosting Nightfall and will work hard to ensure that the June game is even better.
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