Originally Posted by Cpt- Lovegrove
i had an idea about making a potato gun desing to launch them, i will probly pick up the last of the parts i need on sunday, i will let you know what the rang is, and if i think it would be safe for use against a human target
You need this...
I built a nerf "one man mortar" using the nerf-vortex football. Powered by propane and ignited by an electronic pulse igniter (modern BBQ style).
The range of an arced shot was about 150yds. Would be fine to use as a mortar, but much to overpowered to be a direct fire weapon. If you trust the person using one...it could be put to good use in a game.
This was what I came up with as a test unit.
Now....here is what a little more effort could get you; imagine a battery of these going at a game!
Airsoft howitzer big bore breach load