As some of you know BB Bastard is doing some R&D this year to try and shed some more light on how the BB behaves in the barrel under different hop up conditions.
We are now finalizing the build for this test rig, and have the Pyrex barrels inbound from the US to be custom machined here.
we will be posting our findings here as well as on Arnies and Airsoft Mechanics.
Here is the link to our project on Indiegogo,
Any support is appreciated, both words and financial!
We are not engineers and I am asking for the same support I have requested at Airsoft mechanics:
- Contructive criticizim is fine, if you are going to bash a grass roots experiment becuase we can't afford to have Mythbusters on contract to figure this out for us, get your troll on somewhere else.
- Please keep this thread on topic
- If you see us doing something that will ruin the results PLEASE LET US KNOW

We are looking to answer a few basic questions:
- does the BB touch the inside of the barrel in transit
- How does hop affect the behavour
- how do different hop ups affect the behavior in the barrel
Wish us luck!