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Old September 3rd, 2012, 01:20   #12
Zack The Ripper
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Location: CFB Shilo, MB
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I used them today and with a couple applications of simple dish soap they didn't fog up at all. I did get some condensation at times because I was fairly hot and sweaty, but even guys with Desert Locust goggles w/ turbo fans were having the same thing happen. It wasn't a constant thing and even just a light breeze helped clear them right up. With the Ignitor lens I had great vision in the sun and just as great of a sighting in the thick woods.

My only real complaint about these goggles is the foam; it is a much stiffer foam and because of this, after about two hours or so of running around, getting sweaty and shifting the goggles from time to time, they began to chaff. By the end of the day my face was quite irritated. Keeping in mind I was wearing these bad boys for 7 hours with only two 5 minute periods where I actually took them off, cleaned the lens, reapplied some dish soap, let it dry, buffed it out, and put them back on. Not quite sure what can be done about preventing this, but I wouldn't want this to occur every game as it was rather uncomfortable by hour 6. Next time I may try some good old vaseline around the eyes an hour or so before putting them on the make my skin a little more elastic and less sensitive.

Overall a great performance, they just become uncomfortable after awhile.
Guardians of Asgaard
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