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Old July 17th, 2005, 17:41   #1
undorf's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2004
Western Arms makes the best beretta?

I was told this by 4 people at my field. 2 guys said stick to TM

I'm looking at the WA U.S. 9mm M9 Mil-Spec ( Heavy-Weight )

is it true WA makes the best berettas?
the only bad beretta review I could find was on the HFC

When looking for a sidearm to compliment your AEG, you should look at the 3 main Japanese brands: Western Arms (WA), Tokyo Marui (TM) and KSC. All have excellent reputations for putting out quality products that will serve you well. WA is tops in quality, but also comes at a hefty price- I also found this,....

so what im really need is for somebody to hold my hand and tell me that a WA Beretta would be a good thing. once I hear that I can make my order.
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