Originally Posted by multitech
Everywhere I have seen these discussed it has always been in a sniper rifle setup. Guys like the consistent power they offer, as well as the smooth trigger responce. And they don't seem to care about the line and external tank.
I think it has more to do with the extremely high FPS you can get out of them.
One guy was talking about getting 425fps with .6 BB's, and hitting guys at 400+ feet.
Well I have one being worked on a Socom Gear M82A1, the first time I got this I jerry rigged a innerbarrel to the High output nozzle and fired it in my backyard at one of those heavy claypot planters you buy at Rona (at least 1.75"thick) the distance was over a 35ft pool plus some green space so approximately 70ft with the experimental bastard .66 silicas, the result was quite shocking apparently the first shock cracked the pot but I didn't notice it (no scope) the second one a huge chunk of the claypot broke off. I chrony the jerry rigged contraption it was shooting at an insane speed of 458fps with the highpower nozzle this could have been that teh barrel was pushed right into the nozzle with very little or no movement (so no air seal loss), I was actually glad that I bought three other nozzle as this one would have been absolute no no on the field. The other three were a lot milder ranging from 369fps/.25 to 420fps w/.25
I'm actually looking forward to their V3/LMG release which was delayed, I want a few for my piggies and the M240B