Originally Posted by SuperHog
Thank guys for all the suggestions and input.
I have been doing my research on the side as well. Excited to get a cam but got a few surprises when I contacted Contour tech.
As for starters, I will be going with either the Contour or RePlay because of their narrow profile better suited for airsoft.
In case you have not looked at the RePlay, is has two nice features over the Contour. It is smaller and does not have distortion which is call pin-cushion. Some of the videos taken with a head mounted Contour gives me motion sickness when a player moves so much. I think a shoulder mount would be better.
Although Contour has lots of accessories, I only need the picatinny mount.
The videos shot with the RePlay looks so much nicer even though the field of view is less. Even motion does not make me sick taken on the RePlay.
The shocker was a call to Contour. I was told that if lense cover on the Contour was shot and damaged by any projectile, warranty is void. This makes me think of the GoPro, but I don't like the bulky look of it. Have anyone had their lense cover shot at?
You can buy the lens cover separately. It's an accessory.
Contour is awesome with their warranty support. I dropped mine into the ocean while diving (well, seatrek), and it fell to the bottom. I had a diver recover it immediately, but it was too late. Took it home and tried to repair it myself, but the board was done for sure when I cracked it open. Last ditch effort, I emailed Contour two weeks ago with what happened, and shipped my camera out to them. Immediately two days after they received it, I had a brand new one (in retail box) in my hands since they shipped it UPS expedited from WA, USA. Surprisingly, there was no brokerage or duties considering it was UPS - I guess they declared everything properly. Not to mention that the warranty period was probably over anyway (180 days I think, I had it for about 8 months now).
Fantastic customer service. These guys are definitely competent.
Having that said, I'm selling this one too now with a rifle mount and extra stuff.
Might want to decide quick though considering how fast my other one sold, lol.