Thread: KSC BBs
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Old July 12th, 2005, 02:47   #15
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By no means a scientific test, I had some left over AE .25's and some newly purchased KSC perfect 0.20's. Tried them both in my VSR-10 at a game and lemmy tell you those KSCs went way straighter than the AE's dispite their weight difference. They fly about the same range but once the wind/hopup kicked in the AE's would veer wildly and unpredictably, while the KSC's did the same thing, just to a much lesser extent.

The ksc perfects seem much smoother than most other brands. I split 6 bags of 'em with a buddy when specarms had the sale and they work great in both aegs and trigger happy sniping/plinking. No jams/breakage to date and we get some pretty awesome groupings in my p90 and my bro's g36. Definately a good buy IMO, i'd take these over the AE's anyday. I also tried some Gaurder (those ones that come in bottles) 0.36's in my rifle and those didn't do quite as well as the KSC's or AE's. My 2 cents...
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