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Old June 26th, 2012, 12:43   #20
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Let's break down the most common platforms and brands. WE Open and Closed bolt. WA and it's copies. KJW. and any others.

I know the NPAS is nearly a must have. What about others like hopup rubbers or chambers?
I'd rather not put a NPAS if I'm set on certain FPS. I'd prefer to change the valve/valve spring. Bucking is a must for the WE open bolt (Nine Ball, VSR Modify, VSR PDI, Falcon), as the stock one has shitty air seal and range (max. 50 metres with a 420 pecision inner. Also the mags; either Gen 2 M4, or the VN Style M4 mags (for the STANAG platforms).

Also, unlubricated propane is the way to go. Green gas will mess with the hop up as lube gets into the bucking, not allowing the mound to give enough spin effect.

For reliability in the SCAR, the only must is changing the bolt to a Modify steel one, the rest works for thousands of rounds.

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