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Old June 21st, 2012, 14:58   #3
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Originally Posted by Wantabe_Warrior View Post
Pretty good, it"'s a nice starting point. I'm just a viewer, I don't know how hard it is to do this stuff, but here's what improvement I saw that could be made:
1) I though the it's odd that the most of the German soldiers don't have even basic vests/chest rigs/belt rigs, even 2 or 3 mag pouches on a belt might be better.
2) the rifles when fired in long bursts seemed to wave around, just hold them like you would during a game, recoil in a NATO rifle is quite manageable.
3) would it be possible to record the voices in some sort of sound booth, then apply it to the film? I heard a bit of your standard low grade background noises (no offense meant).
4) If the gun has a suppeser/silencer on it silence it! if it doesn't don't!
Dude, thanks so much for watching and taking the time to point all these things out!

We probably did have the equipment, so I'm not sure why we decided it was a good idea to only use rigs and such on the more important germans.

As for the supressor you're talking about one of the M4's, right? I don't remember what it was, but I think it's not a suppressor, but a muzzle brake or somesuch. Also, keep in mind movies are not all about realism, otherwise we wouldn't had exaggerated the muzzle flash as much for example. But the recoil is a good observation, and we'll try to overdo it less next time.

It was our first "big" project, and the location wasn't easily available, so we had the morning to get to know it (we had never been there before the day we filmed), and the evening to film. So a lot will probably be improved upon if there's another episode.

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