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Old May 1st, 2012, 00:55   #7
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Location: Winnipeg
Originally Posted by KBarlow View Post
So you're saying go with the TRU ACU?
I'm saying, if you have the budget, Truspec stuff like the ACUs pictured here are the bomb-diggety for ACUs, however, Propper ACUs are also excellent and can frequently be had for a fair chunk less.

You won't be disappointed with either brand, but if you can spring for it, by all means go Truspec.


As per Whiskey Six; Truspec stuff has less cotton and a more complex weave so it ends up being lighter, thinner, and stronger than Propper. Stitching is usually tighter.
It's a difference in 30-60 bucks per item. That's it. Colour counters can go ford a creek.

Last edited by Cliffradical; May 1st, 2012 at 01:05..
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