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Old April 30th, 2012, 16:55   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Kamloops, BC
Post TRU-SPEC vs. Propper - Fade resistance?

Which brand is more resistant to fading, Propper or TRU-SPEC?

I've had a pair of Propper pants for 6 years and worn them hundreds of times, but they've only faded a bit. I'm thinking of buying this set of Propper pants and jacket because I trust the brand, and they advertise fade resistance. However, the TRU-SPEC Multicam ACU looks better in terms of functionality (newer design, ACU rather than BDU), but they don't say anything about fade resistance. The TRU-SPEC ACU is also about $30 more after shipping than the Propper BDU.

Obviously color is the most important part about camoflauge. I would buy a brand more prone to tearing and stuff if the color didn't fade as easily. I wanna hear some peoples' opinions.
Airsoft Kamloops
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