Originally Posted by djKail
Actually it did but I think it happened this way by chance. I have been testing it without the silencer or suppressor with the same results. Everything is brand new as well, so it can't be the feed lips on the magazines. I also removed the bolt for cleaning and lubing but to no avail. I can understand a double feed now and again, but 3 out of 10 shots seems pretty bad
I want you to load 10 BBs (not more) into the magazine, and see how many double feed. I have a theory. Repeat this a couple of times if it doesn't double feed (I have a feeling it wont). *Sometimes when a magazine is loaded to the max with BB's (like 60 rounds in a 40 round magazine...) the pressure from the magazine spring will push bb's very quickly into the chamber before the nozzle can block them off. Which, because the gun is designed to feed a full magazine, means the nozzle isn't returning to battery fast enough ... which says a lot because the MP7 is really fast firing.
Ár skal r?*sa, sá er annars vill
fé eða fjör hafa. Sjaldan liggjandi úlfur
lær um getur né sofandi maður sigur.
Last edited by ShelledPants; April 20th, 2012 at 17:47..