I would check to make sure you didn't loose the roller that is on the hammer. Mine fell out shortly after getting the Scar. I used JB Weld on either side of the pin to keep it in place.
That is probably not the issue, but I would keep an eye on it....otherwise you need to clean and grease the bolt guide. I found silicone oil drastically reduced the performance of the gun when applied to the bolt guide. You can use slick grease, or white lithium grease on the upper portion of the bolt guide as this is only metal on metal.
Another area to check is the nozzle, ensure that you can freely move it with your hand. If you charge the weapon slowly while looking the nozzle should stick forward until the bolt has moved about 1/3 of the way back. If you notice any issues here relube with silicone oil. The O-ring on the nozzle has also been known to swell up a little which will cause added friction. The only way to remedy this is to cycle it manually a bunch of times after oiling.