capitol airsoft in Edmonton
I suggest if your just starting airsoft to get eye and face protection firat. Since you cannot even get onto the field with us without eye protectuon. Oakleys with impact resistance if you want to go pimp. But desert locust bullet prof eye goggles is recommended. They can be bought in any army surplus store, or online. For face protection use mouth guards if you dont want anything covering your face. A mesh face mask is your best alternative if you want to breath and have 100% protection. Other then eye and face protection, always wear a good pair of steal toe boots to protect agaonst nails, rebar and glass that can be found on thw fields we play.
For guns, for a first timmer me and other people in yk rent guns out for starting at 20 dollars to 50 dollars a day. They range from submachine, assault, and light-heavy machinw guns with a range of spare gear. So getting a feel for a brand or type of gun is suggeated before investing in one of your own. Recommended brands are Ares witch is beat in canada for.performance and realistic feel. Many people in our league use ares only. Other good brands are Real Steel for any full metal and wood russian era gun. Classic army for mostly plastic but pretty relyable guns. Captial airsoft is my choice for guns in edmobton area. Hopethis helps, ill see you on the field!