Thread: G&g g980
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Old February 26th, 2012, 11:55   #1
Join Date: Feb 2012
G&g g980

Hi there
i am a noobie on this forum and i wanted to share with you my problems on this particular rifle from G&G.
1. To high FPS----problem solved---review coming up
2. 1 mag is to narrow for cartridge----needs to be done
3. inner barrel not centered
4. BB holder wrench key sucks---use better tool
5. G&G glews everything together icluding hop up rubber to the barrel
6. on the parts list (esploded view on their site) is a small screw that holds
the hop up rubber and the barrel to its place-----G&G scraped the metal so
hard that i can not unscrew it( probably glewed like everything else.
If u r not prepared for a disaster then do not buy this gun.
its a pure ripp off.The looks are good and i was amazd by it holding it in my hands when it was delivered----HELL i even made a first positive review for them----yes i was that happy----NOW I WANNA GIVE THEM A LAW SUIT:banghead:
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