Hey guys, I always wanted an AK-style GBB so when the WE AK74 variant came out I bought one. The dream gun is an all steel classic AKM with fixed wood stock and wood handguard. So far I've only replaced the trigger group with the steel set from RATech. However, there are 4 more mods I would like to do and would appreciate anyone's insight as to how to do them
1) Steel bolt carrier. Does one exist? The stock pot metal one has started to form a groove from wearing against the steel hammer, and my guess is it will only get worse. The cocking handle also seems like a likely part to snap off.
2) Front sets. With the new WE AK PMC released, is it possible to swap the front ends and turn the 74 into a full size rifle, obviously putting in a longer inner barrel as well? Judging from pictures the receivers look identical, so it seems reasonable you would be able to swap front end. A full-sized front end with wood furniture (ie no rails, no plastic!) would be ideal... although I haven't seen any made yet.
3) A wooden stock. The AK PMC has a collapsible stock attached in what I assume is the same receiver as the AK74. I know the gun is capable of taking RS grips, but can it take RS stocks too? If not, are there any compatible wooden stocks available?
4) Increase ROF. Anyone who has fired this gun full auto knows how slow the ROF is. I've seen the mod which puts the big buffer on the return spring, but that IMO is not a proper solution (too much wear/stress/ lack of full bolt travel). Are there asymmetrical return springs that anyone knows of to increase the ROF?
These are all my issues right now with turning the WE AK74 into a full-size AKM. I know I asked alot of questions and don't expect answers to every one. If you can help in any way it will be much appreciated ^.^
P.s. yes I did search everything on here and google before posting
Last edited by Rommen; February 23rd, 2012 at 02:53..