Installed the Trigger group..
it's not hard.. very nice parts...
down and dirty guide,
taking out the trigger Group..
WE smartly makes their trigger groups modular .. so the entire group can be removed from the receiver .
Remover the selector lever, and safety sear, ( pops out once the selector lever is removed)
knock out the front pin holding the trigger group to the receiver.. very nice pin.. with a spring clip retention.. nice quality,, this is the only "real pin" all others in the receiver are dummies.. don't be a dummy and bash at them for 10 minutes before you figure out they are not real
then take off the pistol Grip, the rear of the trigger group protrudes out the bottom of the receiver .. and the pistol grip retention screws into this.. Ingenious .. and a nice way to reduce the number of parts.
the whole trigger group pops out.
make sure you inspect the trigger group and determine how it goes back together before you pull it apart.
There are a number of springs that have to go back in in a certain orientation.
After you have inspected it .. you should have no trouble seeing how it works and installing the new parts.
The parts need a good work out before they will work smoothly.. I was getting light strikes on the valve knocker until I got about 100 rounds through it
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier
If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; February 9th, 2012 at 13:34..