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Old January 12th, 2012, 21:14   #44
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Edmonton, AB
I've been involved in a couple knife calls and the first thing we were always told, expect to be cut. The second thing we were told, disengage if at all possible. All that shit they show you I videos goes right out the window. First time you deal with a situation like that you get tunnel vision and lose focus on whats happening around you. Saying you can grab the wrist and take hold of the persons hand and gain control of them that way...maybe in a classroom setting or in theory but hate to say, it just doesn't work like that. Rushing the guy, also stupid. You put yourself in his area.

The best defense to a guy pulling a knife is run. If he runs you let him. I hate hearing about people chasing a subject with an edged weapon only to get hurt because they didn't wait for backup or they thought they had super human abilities.
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