Hey folks,
Glad to hear you got a good time at MUTC. It is nothing like Zussman but since it is not a military base, it allows non-US citizens to enjoy a true MOUT environment.
That being said, you guys covered up the event pretty good. Regardless if it is a US or a CAN based event, you will always have to deal with the cheaters and casual players. It kinda suck for those who are showing to such events because of its realism but at the same time, it has to be expected since it is created by and for civilians. Even more, if it would have to be as close to milsim as possible, we would probably all hate having to do PT and fill sandbags
As you guys also mentioned, John Lu is catering to those with the money. He is a true business so he is not doing it just to be nice. He also have big expenses and also give big donations to the wounded soldiers and other military organizations whenever possible.
For those asking, I would say if you are not going with your own team/group, you will probably end up with a bad after taste. Main reason is because half the fun comes from the trip itself. If you are expecting the event alone to make you happy, you will be disappointed. I know I would not go if it was not for my team being there. Slinging bbs can be nice but being to truly use tactics with guys who know you as much as you know them is memorable.
Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and say hello. See you next year maybe.
Francois aka Blade
Delta 4-3
Operation Irene IX