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Old November 15th, 2011, 01:13   #27
supermohawk's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Didsbury, Alberta
Warning plug for the DYE i4 mask ahead:

If you want a small mask with great ventilation the DYE i4 is a great option. I have used both a save face and the i4. Save face although small as shown in the op are in my opinion one of the most uncomfortable masks I have ever worn. Not only are they uncomfortable in the way they rest on your face they hot in comparison the i4. my biggest beef with paintball masks is that most seem to direct your breath up into the lens, fogging it quickly. The i4 is the first mask I have worn that diverts your breath down and out of the mask making it cool, comfortable and most importantly not fog. The i4 has a very small design allowing use of most iron sights. Also the i4 which only use thermal lenses are virtually fog proof even in the toughest conditions. During an all day milsim I had to run up a hill on a really foggy morning. I was already breathing hard at this point because the humidity levels were close to that of a sauna. I was breathing very hard after that run but was surprised only two little patches of condensation had begun to form in the top corners of my lens. After a few experiences like this one with my i4 I will never use another mask. The philosophy; fogging=death must have been the motto for dye engineers while designing this mask.

Sorry to take away from the review but opinion and discussion are the principals that a forum is predicated on.
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