Originally Posted by lurkingknight
well 4 of 4 brand new MAGs are feeding like shit for me right now... blank shot and then next is a double feed/fire. Sometimes it will even feed 3 and jam the gun completely.
Silverbacks are hard to find, they've been sold out for months at ehobby and airsoftclub and the ones that I can find in stock want double to triple the price.
I'm about to order 2 pro arms mags to give them a try... unfortunately I have to order from ehobby unless there's a local/continental vendor that has them.
going to leave them loaded for a few days to see if the springs will weaken a bit. They came presoaked in silicone oil lol.
Pro arms are like the silverbacks, so they should work.
Must say though, of all the p90 mags i've used, low caps are the only way to go