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Old November 10th, 2011, 01:46   #5
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Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post
Hi OP thanks for logging in. In case you were not aware Jeroon is a Dutch name and so is my Last name Neither of which I would have if it was not for the Canadian Army that Crossed the Rhine and saved my Grandfather and Grand Mother, Now recently deceased thank you for your condolences. My own Father and two aunts spent the war Hiding from Nazi's in den Haag and Somewhere is the Jacket that my Opa had shot through by a Nazi Guarding the Rail roads from pilfering Dutchmen. Seems my Opa was stealing Rail road ties to burn and keep his three kids warm through the winter. That's when he was not pressed into clearing the rubble from the streets for three days after a British bombing, and yes the bombing my Grampa knew well as the buildings were falling behind him as he pedalled his delivery trike like Satan was at his heals and the shoppes and apartments crashing in behind him. Yes my Gran didn't know if he was dead or alive for three days with three young kids, till he finally turned up at home still starving and near dead. She did know where he had gone as she took the route orders and acted the dispatch for the micro business they kept going through the war.
You know I come from a line of Dutchmnen who owe alot to the great Canadians who battles the Nazi's my Grandfather on Mothers side with 11 kids had to hide in the long slope roof of their home when Nazi's came to take men to work camps, he laid a mattress in there as some times he had to hide for days. My Mother pointed out exactly where he hid thanks to Google street veiw now available in Hilversum. I listened as my mother told my 7 year old son of how the Germans shot down a British plane as she walked from school one day, and the pilots ejected and then the guns shot the pilots in their parachutes mid air as well.
I own Army Issue and have had a few chances to meet and speak with the Canadian Vets of Holland and it is truly humbling to hear what they have done, in Italy, France Holland and what they lost, who they lost. If you don't already own a piece of this Canadian legacy then don't go look for it on the front page of a hobby website.
While I sympathize for your families ordeal during the wars, that does not give you the right to come on here and be a complete asshat. But thanks for logging on Army Issue, good to know that where ever you are your always thinking.......

Now to the original subject, I think that a small message on the front page should have something on it. In case you forgot, in past years there has ALWAYS been something there.
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