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Old November 4th, 2011, 00:27   #29
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: 11-30-24-1W5
I'm not really pleased with the quality of the newer Ares guns, the older ones were great but I don't know.... something happened between then and now that made it not as great. Quick change spring definitely is a plus especially if you play both indoors and out. Parts on the other hand are hard to acquire period. Not even their distributors can get a steady (or rather any) supply of proprietary OEM repair parts.

As for the goggles, JT Spectra Flex8 is where it's at. Otherwise go ESS or Revision eyewear. Mesh I would only really use for lower face protection, NEVER for eyepro.

Also note there are two types of mesh, "weaved" and "stamped". The stamped is better supposedly but still there is the danger of shards in the eye.
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