I'm a full on WEtard
and I am a believer in their products.. and Every one of them has at some point failed and required fixing and maintenance .
And I'm still a believer.
It's a Toy that Shoots.. it's not made to last forever.. and the cost per use has always been in line with my expectations.
I look at it this way..
If I have a mag .. if I got 10 uses out of it before it leaked and needed fixing, That mag is $5/ use ..
But I've generally got 100 or more uses.. that is 5 cents a use.. that is good value
Same with the gun .. say it cost $500 .. and I use it 20 times before it goes down ,, That is $25 per use..
If I use it 40 times that is $12.50 per use.. again good value.
I've used WE guns for professional training contracts.. because they provide the right mix of value to reliability.. I can make money with them.
in my books .. that is a good product.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier
If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite