Hi guys,
New to the site, and hate that my first post is a problem but I'd like to get some input possibly.
I bought a KJW M4 CQB GBBR recently, my first airsoft gun. It works almost flawlessly when firing in semi mode. However when I switch to auto I encounter a few different issues.
1) Some times it will fire approx 2 or 3 shots, then the bolt jams back and all the propane from the clip is exhausted out the side and/or the barrel.
2) Sometimes it does not jam but instead just stops firing. On these occasions if you pull back the charging handle it will fire one shot then stop again. Almost as if it's switched itself to semi-auto? You must pull back the handle each time though, the trigger remains dead after each shot ie doesn't reset.
This has occurred right from the second I got the gun. It has had silicone grease applied to the bolt. Same issues. Was cleaned off and tried with 1.5 wt silicone oil, ultra slick synthetic grease, and silicone spray lube, all with similiar results.
I'm not sure if this is possibly an issue with the mags not being properly charged with propane, too much lube, not enough lube, or some other issue.
I used the shelledpants cleaning guide I found on here for the general cleaning/lubing guideline.
I'm pretty new to these things, so while I've been reading and searching a lot, I may not understand what certain parts are, methods, etc so please try to keep any answers relatively simple!
One other thing, this is apparently the version 2 bolt in this gun if thats much relevance. Thanks for any advice or suggestions.