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Old August 20th, 2011, 15:58   #1
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Dawson Creek, BC
Light load bearing gear help

I'm back looking for advice on chest rigs and the like. I've found three options the might work for me.

1. Voodoo tactical Universal Equipment Vest (OD) (
2. Condor Modular Chest Rig 1 (Coyote Brown/Tan) (
3. Condor Battle Belt and Harness ( Coyote Brown/Tan) ( and

The MRC1 (RRV) has lots of MOLLE and is like what I already use (CIRAS Land), but I plan on use MBSS hydration backpack using the MOLLE, but the MRC1 don't have any MOLLE on the back. The Battle Belt/Harness is like the lighter ALICE type rig, but I have no experience with that type of rig, so I'm a little if-ee. The Voodoo UEV probably has the most MOLLE real estate, but it doesn't seem right (with lack of a better word) to me.
SRC HK416(D10.5) gen.3 pro
KJW MEU(SOC) pistol (cansoft)

Fortunate Son
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