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Old July 31st, 2011, 14:42   #1
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Airsoftt Central Extreme Precision BB's

At OP: Drug Bust I had a chance to test out each weight of BB at a various ranges in comparison to other BBs.

P1040538 by Chef401, on Flickr

P1040540 by Chef401, on Flickr

P1040537 by Chef401, on Flickr

P1040536 by Chef401, on Flickr

P1040541 by Chef401, on Flickr

I am going to start by saying that I am a BB Bastard lover, I have not used a single other BB at a game unless forced to since Bastards came out. I have no invested interest in AC-EPS or Bastard, just a normal user.

I can say I was presently surprised by the consistent accuracy of each weight of BB. The only thing I wish I could have done was get a chronograph reading for each compared to a bastard.

Kross and I sat down and took a sample from 4 different BBs that we had on hand. Armist, EPS, Bio Bastard and Bastard all in 0.25g. I can say I was honestly surprised in the results when we cut them in half. We did try a few other LOW quality Chinese crap BBs that just shattered into pieces when I tried to cut them in half.

P1040548 by Chef401, on Flickr

From Left to Right in case you can't read the labels. Armist, EPS, Bio Bastard, Bastard.

P1040547 by Chef401, on Flickr

I can say it was quite surprising to see that bastard bios were more consistent to have the "hole" in the middle in all of them, where bastard normal's did not have one, just tons of little holes.

Accuracy was something that I noticed a significant difference in. I was shooting a fairly standard 2 inch grouping from 25 meters with bastards. My groupings dropped to 1.75 inches when using EPS. Distance was about the same with EPS maybe going another foot or so.

I still have some testing to do on each weight, but so far I am very pleased with the results I have seen. As stated, I wish I could have gotten a chronograph reading.

I will update once I get some more product from both Bastard and EPS in my hands to try out.
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