Originally Posted by ***** Pump
There are people already demoing it, I am definitely not the first.
I meant for the general issue to the Army, not the demo/trial initial issue.
Originally Posted by ***** Pump
And who says they are going around the system? If its out for issue, it out for issue...
Just going off how the new rain jackets and rucksacks worked out for us in Shilo, the first batch sent to the base was for all of us deploying on TF 1-08, then after wards it was for remainder of 2PPCLI and 1RCHA and then eventually for the base. Theres a priority list for new itms, just because it arrives at Clothing Stores doesn't mean everyone is entitled to it. I'm assuming your with 2RCR/CFB Gagetown, so at that base you would be the first to get it, unless there is a Task Force mounting out of there at that time as they would get priority then RCR, etc.