Originally Posted by VooDooPeteK
I am getting frustrated as all my packages that came through Vancouver still say
2011/06/22 / 08:53
Labour disruption affecting this location; item delayed
now these are things that here in movement when it was just rolling strikes and figured that they would move through all the packages and mail that was backed up first...... but I shipped something to BC on Tuesday and it landed there today... Grrrrrrr
I've got 2 waiting to go through vancouver myself... one from the port, and one from the US side... I have this sinking feeling it ain't moving anytime soon
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
Leader - M.E.R.C. multi enviroment recon CAVALRY
"SIR!, you've gone mad with power!"
"Ofcourse I have, you ever gone mad without power, it's useless, no one pays any attention"
The Cavalry Comes