Originally Posted by kullwarrior
but Darklen do you agree if people report others for banana bumping?
I personally hate people doing that because for one, you thought it was available but when reading the bottom fine line found otherwise.
Definitely report banana bumping as it's against the classifieds rules, and here's why.
Look at it this way. If I'm "shopping" in the classifieds, what do I want to see more; 1) available bumped items that people want to sell? or 2) a bunch of shit which is no longer available?
There are almost 50,000 members on this site. That's almost 50,000 potential customers looking for whatever your selling in the classified section. In the grand scheme of things, how many of them are interested that you've sold your stuff, really? Almost none.
As a potential seller in the classifieds, I'd get pretty pissed off if my active ad gets bumped down because someone thought it was more important to tell everyone his stuff has all sold.
We keep trying to tell people here, the only ones who need to know you've sold all your stuff is the staff, so we can move your old ad to the archives. Edit your original post and add the word "banana". Don't change or delete prices or goods for sale as people can use the old ad in the archives to base a sale price on or see what particular items sell for. We'll do a search for the word on a regular basis and remove the ad. Simple and easy.