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Old May 15th, 2011, 04:23   #2
kullwarrior's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Hey boys, he post it in General section...FLAMES OKAY! GET HIM!!!

FYI AV will get you more respect, people here have heard so many of these question ask without searching it's disgusting.

There's a thread dedicated to WE AWSS system (I'm suspecting your WE SCAR is AWSS system)

Currently there's two system for WE SCAR
-AWSS System (brass tube)
-Open Chamber (lack of brass tube)

The scar has significantly less recoil than say PDW or M4 IMO by design. If you want bigger kick, go for Open Chamber system as it will give a crisper and stronger kick. Otherwise if you want to biggest kick consider WE M14 or WE G36. Please note lighter the gun, the heavier the recoil by system. another words G36C has higher recoil power than G36 Standard, same with WE EBR w/ shorter barrel compared WE M14
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