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Old May 12th, 2011, 20:44   #5
m102404's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Toronto
The bodies and builds are ok...not the greatest, nor the sturdiest. (They're also no where near the cost of a steel version though)

Mechboxes are so-so. The 249 mechboxes are garbage...I'd equate them to a CYMA mechbox if that gives you a point of reference. One notch up from a Kraken. That said, you can spend $200 on parts to upgrade pretty much the whole mechbox (except for the shell and switch).

The hopup ineffectiveness can be fixed...swap hopups, mod a new nub, get a new hopup rubber (and barrel too, the last stock one I saw was really poor).

The last Mk43 I saw at a game lasted about 10 min before it packed it in. Looks great though sitting on the ground.

So.....basically you're going to end up replacing everything but the body of the 249....if you want a decent build.

Re. the M60...I think my buddy just had his over...the hopup/barrel was pretty decent. It shot quite well until it barfed feeding from the box mag...and jammed...and failed....and went off to fire on it's own spontaneously (pinched wire at the stock). **M60 and 249 builds are is not simply a longer/shorter version of the other inside**

In general...if you're prepared to rework it...and cannot afford better...then the A&K SAW/LMGs are a decent way to get the look of a Mk43/249/M60. But don't be surprised if you go to game it and it throws up and dies on you.

**A&K 249 is a direct copy of CA's 249...fully compatible...might find small fitting issues but parts "should" interchange**

Last edited by m102404; May 12th, 2011 at 20:47..
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