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Old May 5th, 2011, 13:44   #14
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Originally Posted by 'Twin#1[Op-for
]What if you chose a lighter, smaller vest, or just ran one pistol? Even just going to one DE, and using the other drop leg for a dump pouch or just your pistol mags would make it a lot easier to move..
Having the dump on a drop leg = belt room for a grenade belt.

More grenade ammo = more hilarity when you're walking through the woods yelling "GET SOME *pfoomf!* GET SOME *pfoomf*" etc.

You really don't need two deagles, just get extended mags if you're worried about ammo. Plus you can fire one deagle while running the launcher in the other hand.

Honestly, you'd want to make mobility your primary focus. A ciras is just going to weigh you down. A small plate carrier (Shellback Tactical/ TAG's banshee or Tactical Tailor's modular plate carrier) would be better for your mobility.

Looks don't always equal functional. Sometimes what you think might look badass will actually suck so much when you try it out.


Lack of rigidity in a vest is important for mobility. If you're attaching pouches correctly (weaving them through all the PALS on the pouch and vest) then they'll stay there and be quite decent.

Two deagles as primary is fine. Add a 2kg beast to that and you'll be wishing you didn't have another two guns.

Last edited by Firewalker; May 5th, 2011 at 13:47..
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