actually I've run my twin DE's as primaries already for over a year, I'm just fine with them on the field

the launcher will be an add on to what I'm already used too.
doesn't HAVE to be a ciras, I'm just not a gear whore I don't know all the different names to all the different vest names, basically a whole flat molle front panel .. some on the sides, hydr holder on the back... molle up the shoulders would be nice too.
I've got a buckle up the front molle vest ... but the buckets take up valuable space.. and the vest is less then spectacular "rigidity" wise (read: CHEAP .. but it's help up great for over 2 years) .. good for movement and breathability... not so hot for loading up with pouchs
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
Leader - M.E.R.C. multi enviroment recon CAVALRY
"SIR!, you've gone mad with power!"
"Ofcourse I have, you ever gone mad without power, it's useless, no one pays any attention"
The Cavalry Comes