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Old May 5th, 2011, 08:54   #12
Frozen Tex
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Yellowknife, NT, Great White North
If those pants are a match set to the shirt, it looks like you have an ACU-cut uniform (Tru-Spec, Propper, etc). If so, you should slide so foam padding into the knees and ditch the kneepads, at least for the deep-woods, boonie-hat, recon look... They're fine with the helmeted direct-action look.
That said, don't use my pictures on ASC as a guideline; I only just decided to do the foam thing, and bought a roll of toolbox liner at Crappy Tire, and filled in the knees of my ACU and MCCUUs. I'll only use knee pads now in especially rocky or urban/industrial environments.
Also, for the "recon" look, maybe go with something lighter than the Comtacs for your radio... Bowmann/Swimmer style headset maybe?

Delenda Est Carthago
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