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Old May 5th, 2011, 04:11   #4
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Vancouver
Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
you play at panther?

and your friend goes to harvard ?
Yea I've been to panther before and played there, but I took this at's got lots of trees and bushes around, so it was excellent for the effects.

Yes and he's the grad of 1636...Harvard had been training Mujahideens in their School of Asymmetric Warfare even before the Industrial Revolution. They offer DT (Doctorate of Terrorism) and MJA (Masters of Jihad Administration) as one of their most prominent programs. In order to complete the degree, undergrads are required to undertake co-op and years of work experiences. This includes mandatory training, abroad foreign exchanges, attend field camps for months, and brainwashing programs. The selection process is rigorous, with the eventual selection of certain UGs to spend extended lengths of time at lectures with the profs at caves. This is to test the level of their commitment. Finally the selected few will get to graduate with the warm welcome of 72 virgins. Facilities are readily provided, with the equipment often readily available and in abundance, such as explosives. There are many take-home kits and assignments for UGs to prepare. Many UGs continue to be in the program today, with exchanges students that can be found all over world. They are usually located in the most isolated places from normal settlements, however recently a new fad that has occurred amongst students were to study together in groups in caves and detention centers such as Abu Ghraib and Guantamolo Bay. As US and UK governments are one of the primary sponsors of these institutes, the administrations recognize the needs of the students and provide travel opportunities such as offering free flights to places never seen before by the students. They termed it as "extraordinary renditions". The opportunities allow students to visit some of the places that they would never have thought have existed and that they would ever think of existing, and most loved it so much they decided to stay, and never to be heard from again. However while many students are overly devoted, some choose to slack. One of the most famous UG currently attempted to take a vacation in a mansion at Pakistan, and as a result, the campus staff decided to pay him a visit in order to deliver the notice of suspension.

Last edited by ravan318; May 5th, 2011 at 10:57..
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