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Old May 3rd, 2011, 09:56   #105
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Markham, ON
Originally Posted by Grumpy View Post
Well I fielded my new A&K M249 Para this past weekend and it lasted most of the day and was a TON of fun to use, however...15 minutes before the end of the day during a fire fight, the damn box mag would not feed (stock A&K 2500 rd boxmag). I took it apart at home and BBs were in the lower area causing the feeding mechanism to jam. i have put a piece of foam in there now to hopefully prevent BBs from moving from the top holding area into the lower mechanism area, but alas I still don't get a warm fuzzy. I am also not too fond of the way the cover "clips" onto the mag, it just looks like it can break easily and come off and then there goes all your ammo

Any suggestions on improving the mag or on a replacement box mag? I see the "MAG 2500rds Pouch Magazine for M249" available online, but they say they are made for CA & TOP...will they fit my A&K?

Lastly, I thought of a mag pouch/cover for the A&K to keep it all together "just in case" but they are damn near impossible to find online.

Anyone have any suggestions for my new baby?

Normally BB's dont fall into the lower section, that's normally caused by you when you're pouring the bb's into the upper. Some always falls in.

And yes the MAG 2500 pouch fits the A&K it's a CA clone after all.
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