Thread: M4 LiPo Problem
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Old April 20th, 2011, 11:45   #5
formerly aBseNtceLL
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Winnipeg, MB
I would say go for a 7.4v...

I have tested the MadBull PX04 11.1v 1000mAh 15C and the Intellect 7.4v 1200mAh 20C and have found that even though I do get a slight bit more RPS the Intellect performs better, part of the reason being is the continuous discharge rate. To find the continuous discharge rate you do the following:

mAh x C / 1000 = CDR

- MadBull 11.1v 1000 mAh 15C: 1000 x 15 / 1000 = 15A CDR
- Intellect 7.4v 1200 mAh 20C: 1200 x 20 /1000 = 24A CDR

Even though the MadBull has a higher voltage the Intellect can power the AEG better due to the higher continuous discharge rate. You should have at least 15A continuous discharge for a stock AEG, and this will increase the more upgrades you put into your gearbox (torque/speed gears, higher powered springs, etc.)

Also what I have found is I use the Extreme-Fire SW-Evolution and WolfDragon's Over Discharge PCB v4.2, now that being said when I used the MadBull battery the Over Discharge PCB didn't like it very much as it kept tripping the warning that the battery was low, when I use the Intellect I received no warnings and still fantastic performance. If I plugged the battery directly into the SW-Evolution I had no issues with either battery though of course there is no over discharge protection.

Currently I am using the MadBull ACE Buffer Tube and there is enough room for the Intellect battery and both the MOSFET and PCB, there's really no room to spare with all of the stuff in there but it fits very nicely and keeps my AEG sleek.

If you are going to be using a LiPo I highly recommend using a MOSFET and Over Discharge circuit or at least some sort of protection. The MOSFET does so much to improve the performance of your AEG that even if you are not using a LiPo you should use one.

Why do you 'need' a 11.1v LiPo anyways? Your motor will thank you for passing less voltage through it and your gearbox will last longer...

Hope that helps to some degree!
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Last edited by cellulose; July 23rd, 2011 at 11:13..
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