April 14th, 2011, 17:55
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Gravenhurst, ON
Originally Posted by Smurf
Hey everyone i just want to see what people are running for there first line kit this is what i'm looking forward to seeing
Your first line kit are the bare essentials that will see you through to fight another day. This usually includes your pistol, magazines for rifle and pistol, E&E kit, some water and sustainment food, and the like. Smoke grenade, knife, multi-tool, signaling device and FAK are probably good ideas too.
Your second line kit is the rig that brings the immediate noise. It will consist of everything you require to complete a task at hand (unless you require specialized equipment, like breaching tools) and execute the fight without being overly cumbersome. Usually this will consist of some sort of chest rig or vest, holding ammo and munitions, a high-powered communication device, and greater quantities of other sustainment items like food and water. A blow-out kit and other mission tools, like GPS and NOD, should also be on this line.
Your third line will consist of everything not immediately necessary for your survival (mission notwithstanding). Think of it as your treasure trove to sustain an indefinite fight. This includes even more ammo, usually loose rounds and loaded magazines, overnight kit, extra clothing items, advanced medical support (if you have that role), water and purification items, other communication devices, and other interesting things you may require during your mission but don't expect to immediately use.
thx Smurf
I thought this looked familiar... he didn't type this out its a direct copy from the CIRAS loadout thread that was put up in 2007.. it has been copied several times into different threads as well...